Elements of Action
Today I researched the elements of action movies. I feel confident with my knowledge of action movies, but some extra info won't hurt, so here I am!
I collected research from The Beat. There are 5 key elements to action movies:
Action movies are first and foremost about the heroes, who practically live and die with them. While there are certain action films with ensemble casts (like The Expendables) or buddy-cop teams (like Lethal Weapon), every action film fundamentally requires a single, powerful, valiant hero. The likability of the action movie hero is frequently what ultimately determines the movie's success, even when the hero can exhibit character defects such as a disregard for etiquette or a filthy chain-smoking habit. Action films are hence such star-driven productions. Fans are drawn to the actors or actresses because they adopt larger-than-life personas, which piques their interest.

The plot of an action movie will, more often than not, be driven entirely by some type of vengeance or revenge that will carry the story from the beginning to a violent end. The first John Wick movie and its succeeding sequels, which are built on a single incident that spurs Keanu Reeves' character John Wick into action, are perhaps the most obvious examples of this. All of the cliches serve as vehicles to send your hero out of control into the world of retribution, whether it be a kidnapped daughter in Taken, an attacked family in Death Wish, or a platoon that is mercilessly eliminated in Predator.
There isn't always a need for this in action movies. Several action movie protagonists are simply all-powerful, thus they don't need to level up for their climactic showdowns. Training montages don't usually involve physical activity. Numerous montages for getting ready to achieve the same goal where we see the protagonist's improvement and help us show the development of their character.
An action movie's plot typically includes some action scenes and sequences. Usually, these can be divided into chase scenes and fight scenes. Chase scenes may be filmed in several locations, on various vehicles, or on foot. The magnitude and complexity of the scenes can vary, ranging from the iconic foot chases in Point Break to the blockbuster motorcycle and 18-wheeler chases in Terminator 2. The same can be said about fight sequences, which can be quite organized and sophisticated. They can be incredibly difficult to film as well. Thus, safety should always come first. In actuality, many stunt performers have transitioned from being performers and coordinators to directors.

Every action film must culminate in a final fight between the villain and the hero. Yet, in some stories, you'll need to think of creative ways to put your protagonist and antagonist in a direct confrontation. Action movies frequently feature climactic scenes that are among the biggest, most intricate spectacles ever seen on screen. Long, compelling scenes with the most drama and mystery can be found in the ultimate showdown.
I will take into consideration these elements into consideration for my film opening. I found this website really helpful since now I know that there are certain things that I must include in the opening.